Hi, my name is Katie – thanks for visiting my blog…
I hope you’ll be a regular visitor and that you’ll enjoy reading all about what I have to share, although I’d prefer to remain anonymous since I don’t really want the people over at my workplace to know that I’m the person behind this blog, or that I’m blogging at all. That should say a lot about the industry in which I work, which is the precarious world of finance.
I could honestly say that I’m sort of living my dream because a few classes into Uni, I decided to switch tact completely and trade-in what would have been a career in engineering for a career in which I can operate at the heart of where the money is. As much as I have no regrets about going into commerce – none whatsoever, working full-time for a big financial institution has its restrictions and there is just so much more about the financial sector which I’d love to explore.
This blog is my way of doing that, so I’ll mostly be diving right into those issues which the general public could do with a little bit more clarity on.
I hope you’ll enjoy what I have to share and that some of the advice will be useful to you.