5 Lesser Known Money Saving Tips for Motorists

5 Lesser Known Money Saving Tips for Motorists

Owning a vehicle in today’s economy can be a major financial drain, forcing motorists to double up as thrifty experts as well as their duties as considerate drivers.

Whichever vehicle you drive, you have the chance to make excellent savings by turning to cost-effective techniques. In this article, I’ll highlight some of the lesser known pieces of advice which may help you make the most of your budget, as well as you save time, and allow you to learn more about how to make the most of your circumstances.

  1. Fuel Saving Advice

No matter how fantastic and expedient modern vehicles become, the reality is you will still have to intermittingly find a petrol station to fill up on fuel. To delay this inevitability, the trick is to use the right techniques to make sure you save on fuel and add more mileage.

There are simple tips such as ensuring your vehicle isn’t overloaded. Superfluous weight means your vehicle isn’t performing as well as it should be and you will be wasting fuel. Additionally, the higher the gear you’re driving in the better the fuel efficiency, so bear this in mind when out on the road.

A few other pragmatic tips will ensure you become fuel efficiency experts. Double check your tyres are at the right pressure (turn to your manufacturer’s booklet for details) for your vehicle model, and be aware anything which drains your vehicle’s battery (charging your smartphone, the radio, using your air conditioning) will lead to more wasted fuel.

You can learn more about this from industry experts such as Shell, who helpfully provided details about 10 Fuel Saving Tips.

  1. Compare Insurance Quotes for the Best Deal
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There are many free online tools which will let you compare insurance quotes. This can help you find the right deal for your budget. As insurance is one of the main annual costs for any motorist, it’s important to ensure you’re with the right company. Experts claim by making a comparison 51% of motorists could save up to £256 annually, which is a strong impetus for anyone to head out and have an online check-up.

  1. Try Mobile Tyre Fitting

This highly convenient and time saving service is becoming an increasingly popular option for today’s motorists. Rather than having to find a garage and sit around waiting for your fitting, these services bring the garage straight to your front door.

As a result, mobile tyre fitting offers excellent value for money (as well as a great deal of saved time) as it often comes with a free fitting and in most cases you only have to pay once your vehicle is set up with new compounds. Add in to this other discounts (such as brand membership offers) and a complimentary balancing of your wheels, and this really is the future for all of your tyre changing needs.

  1. Pick the Right Tyres

Up to 20% of fuel consumption on cars due to tyres. Which makes it important to understand what you’re putting on your vehicle. Compounds and tread patterns are becoming increasingly advanced as the world’s leading manufacturers have developed technology which ensures your tyres become environmentally friendly and offer ever improving durability.

When you’re buying a new tyre, take the take to look into which ones offer enhanced durability and fuel efficiency. Longer lasting tyres typically decrease rolling resistance and ensure less fuel wastage. This offers excellent annual savings for motorists.

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In addition, swapping to the right seasonal tyre can help you save extra money by having the optimal vehicle performance. For instance, winter tyres fitted during winter months will provide you have the best braking, grip, handling, and fuel efficiency.

Another option is to fit specialist tyres such as run-flats. “Changing a tyre at the roadside can be a thing of the past”, Continental claims, with its compound providing drivers with a quick repair option. You can then drive to your nearest garage at speeds up to 50mph to get a replacement, all with a tread pattern which has been manufactured to ensure fuel efficiency.

  1. Drive Efficiently

Finally, whilst it may be tempting to floor it in certain situations and pretend you’re an F1 driver, the best way to drive road cars, vans, and SUVs is with a smooth driving style. Being ragged and convincing yourself you’re the next Lewis Hamilton isn’t a good way to save you money on your annual budget.

To get from A to B, adopt a smooth driving style which doesn’t involve dramatic accelerating. Change gear steadily at around 2,500rpm and build your speed up gradually – with your tyres maintained at the right pressure, this will help ensure you keep fuel efficiency and your tread patterns in good shape for many financial benefits.

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